[Mac OS X TeX] Bibliography management
Will Douglas
will at sattvajala.org
Tue Aug 14 02:47:46 EDT 2001
Well, Papyrus (www.rsd.com) has good TeX support in amongst heaps of
other features. While it runs on Windows and Mac and handles multiple
scripts well, it is a Classic app so far. As far as highly portable
solutions go, there's a package in Tk (TkBib) and the PyBibliographer project.
On Mon 13 Aug 2001, Sam Broderick <sbroderick at mac.com> quoth:
>Anybody have input on managing a bibliography? There are several instances
>where I do not prefer TeX, but I want to be able to create bibliographies
>for other programs as well (e.g. Word and FrameMaker). Can EndNote export in
>BibTex format? Is there an alternative? I've done some preliminary work on a
>FileMaker solution (incl. links to PDF's), but it's an awful lot of work...
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Will Douglas Oriental Institute, Oxford University.
for contact info see <http://www.sattvajala.org/people/wbd/contact.html>
<will at sattvajala.org>
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