[Mac OS X TeX] Common "pictures" folder?
Michael Murray
mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Mon Dec 17 04:28:07 EST 2001
>I use the same diagrams in several of my documents, and I haven't
>been able to figure out if teTeX/TeXShop allows one to have a shared
>"TeX-inputs" folder (like Textures for Mac OS 9 does) which every
>document looks in while typesetting.
>Is this possible, and if so, where is this folder? I'm a bit sunk
>without this, since otherwise I'd need dozens of copies of the same
>files everywhere, and this is gratuitously messy.
Yes it assumes that you have all that stuff in a folder called
texmf in
you have to have some subfolders that look like the structure
of the standard texmf folder tetex has created.
As the TeXShop.rtf says ..
>The files must be in appropriate directories. teTeX uses a directory
>structure invented by the tex working group. Suppose you want to add
>a extra style file named new.sty to the style files used by Latex.
>Look inside teTeX and notice that a natural spot for this file would
> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/
>So inside your home directory's Library folder, make a series of
>subdirectories as follows:
> Library --> texmf --> tex --> latex --> misc
>and store "new.sty" inside this misc directory.
After setting up such a set of directories and files go into Terminal and
type `sudo texhash' . You need to do this before
TeXShop can find the files.
Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303
University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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