[Mac OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX configs in TeXShop?
Gérard Degrez
degrez at vki.ac.be
Wed Dec 19 05:31:08 EST 2001
>You all told me a while ago that there was no way to tell tetex to
>search my OzTeX inputs file tree.
>As it turns out, this is not so. In fact, to do so is as trivial as one
>would expect it to be: make a symbolic link to said inputs in a place
>where tetex will look for it, namely, somewhere in ~/Library/texmf/tex/.
Yes of course, I did the exactly the same to use my CMacTeX tree.
BTW, the various paths where tetex looks for files is fully described
in the file texmf.cnf that you will find at
/usr/local/teTeX (it's actually a link to
>(That was the key for me before: not knowing where to put it. Asking
>the question without mentioning OzTeX ended up giving me the answer I
>needed [;->].) The fact that tetex searches such folders recursively
>does all of the necessary dirty work.
To make things even more efficient, I recommend that you build a ls-R
database for your OzTeX tree. Just cd ~/Library/texmf and then issue
the command
Oops, I just tried to check before sending the mail, it seems that
this no longer works (no ls-R database was generated for the
$HOMETEXMF tree. In addition, my previous ls-R has disappeared!). I
remember clearly it worked with my previous version of TeXShop/teTeX.
Is this a feature?
Gérard Degrez
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