[Mac OS X TeX] TeX fonts and Illustrator 10
siepo at cybercomm.nl
Fri Dec 21 15:43:19 EST 2001
On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:22:01 -0500
William Adams <wadams at atlis.com> wrote:
> My suggestion here would be to lose AI 10, get Stone Design's Create,
> and to use the nifty TeXGSServices.app which Gerben Wierda & co. have
> cooked up.
Does Create understand PostScript/pdf Bezier curves? I had a quick look at
it, and as far as I could make out it uses splines instead of Bezier
curves. For me, that would be a major drawback.
Did anybody look at Freehand or CorelDRAW?
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