[Mac OS X TeX] pdf causes 10.1 to crash
Ross Moore
ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Thu Nov 1 23:08:51 EST 2001
> Hi,
> I created a pdf file using tex+gs6+ps2pdf, which causes the OS to crash.
> Attempting to open the pdf in either TeXShop or Preview causes an immediate
> logout, and the machine hangs when i try to log back in. The only way to
> get back in that I can find is to restart the machine after the logout
> happens.
> On the other hand, opening the file in Acrobat seems to cause no problems.
Have you tried printing from Acrobat 5 ?
I did this with your file, and all the fonts are substituted with Courier.
On-screen looks just fine.
Substitution occurs with with printing from both Acrobat 5 and Acrobat Reader,
under MacOS 9.x.
This looks like an example of the font problem that was created by Adobe
when they made some "standardisations" for all of their products.
It affects TeX-related methods very seriously.
I recommend that you install the latest Ghostscript that you can find;
at least gs 7.0 if you are going to go the dvi --> ps --> pdf route.
Alternatively use pdf-TeX; but install the very latest TeXshop,
or otherwise install pdftex 1.00a .
All earlier versions embedd subsetted fonts in a way that will not print
properly from Acrobat 5.
Of course, this doesn't explain the crashes on MacOS X ...
> I had the strange experience of trying to attach the file to an email
> message causing the same kind of crash as well.
> Is this one of the Quartz bugs that has been making the rounds on this
> list? To whom at Apple is one supposed to report this kind of thing? The
> file can be found at http://www.math.ubc.ca/~vatsal/files/test.pdf
... but if your PDF files are faultless for Acrobat, then they *may*
also be correctly handled by Quartz.
If not, then you can be sure the faults lie entirely with Apple,
and not partly with Adobe and/or the TeX community as well.
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
> -- Nike V.
> -------
> V. Vatsal
> Department of Mathematics
> University of British Columbia
> Vancouver V6T 1Z2
> Canada
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