[Mac OS X TeX] BBEdit plug-ins for teTeX

Bernard Knaepen bknaepen at ulb.ac.be
Wed Nov 14 07:46:50 EST 2001

>>Also one person wrote in saying that it would be great if TexShop 
>>worked more closely with a proper editor. Surely it does. Just use 
>>whatever editor you like, close the file, open it in TeXshop and 
>>process. What more is being asked for?

What would be nice is to have in TexShop the possibility to typeset a 
given file without actually opening the file. Then also a keyboard 
shortcut to retypeset the same file if needed. That way one could 
modify a tex file using any editor, save the file and then hit the 
keyboard shortcut in TexShop to have it typeset and displayed.


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