[Mac OS X TeX] New teTeX
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu Nov 1 13:00:04 EST 2001
Gerben Wierda has just released a teTeX with margin kerning fixed.
The teTeX, dated 11/01/01, is available on Gerben's site:
and on the TeXShop web site
Recall that Gerben released teTeX on October 30 with pdfTeX 1.00a instead
of pdfTeX 0.14h. The only difference between that version and this
one is that the file
needed for margin kerning has changes suggested by Ross Moore.
Many thanks to Ross for these changes. Users who have the October 30th
version will find the new protcode.tex at
On this site, the file is named protcode.tex.fixed.
Dick Koch
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