[Mac OS X TeX] Print and crash problems

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Wed Oct 17 03:59:38 EDT 2001

<x-flowed>On Tuesday, October 16, 2001, at 06:50 , Alessandro Languasco wrote:

> It seems to me that the problem is in the .ps -> .pdf operation
> performed by the tetex package.

Both the printing problem and the crash problem seem to be very nasty 
bugs in Apple's PDF code since 10.1.

The fact that they do not show up in some other ways of displaying (or 
printing) PDF has to do with the fact that these ways do not use Apple's 
PDF implementation (Acrobat, macGSView, everything X11-based).

I urge you all to put non-working PDF on a ftp or http site somewhere 
and tell Apple using the feedback on their web site. This *must* be 
fixed. A great amount of bug reporting may help.


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