[Mac OS X TeX] labelling graphics using TeXShop/Illustrator
Gary L. Gray
gray at engr.psu.edu
Sat Sep 29 10:20:34 EDT 2001
<x-flowed>On 9/29/01 at 11:49 AM +0100, Paulo Abreu wrote:
>Sorry, but this seems like just too much work. Doesn't psfrag do the
>I have been working with psfrag for a few years now. Right now
>I'm in the middle of a book with +/-800 ps graphics from matlab. I
>started by opening the ps, changing the text labels so that psfrab could
>read them (simple strings in Courier) and saving as eps. Now, after
>learning a bit about matlab's graphic features, I can create the labels
>(title, tick marks, etc) in a form understandable by psfrag directly
>from matlab. I don't think your method is really an improvement.
I don't know what psfrag is, but if it only allows simply strings in
Courier, then we want MUCH more than that. You see we want to put
mathematics in the labels using the TeX fonts themselves. We could
easily put Courier labels on the graphics with Illustrator -- the
problem arises when we want to include TeX fonts. Our procedure seems
to fix this problem.
Gary L. Gray
Associate Professor
Engineering Science & Mechanics
Penn State University
(814) 863-1778
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