[Mac OS X TeX] request: autorefresh

Paulo Abreu paulotex at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 16 04:24:44 EDT 2001

The feature I miss most while working with TeX under MacOSX is a ps/pdf
previewer with autorefresh -- that is, with the feature to reload and
redisplay a ps/pdf file if it is changed behing its back.

TeXShop doesn't need it, since it redisplays automatically the pdf file
when it generates it, but TeXshop still has a long way to go to be an
advanced TeX tool: the editor and the previwer are still too simple. I
am working on a 1000 page book, and features like regexp find/replace,
incremental search, keyboard shortcuts for text navigation, navigating with links and bookmarks
on the pdf file are essential to me.

There are other text editors that are powerfull enough. emacs, jEdit and Pepper come to mind. 

But on the previewer side, MacGhostview and Acrobat/Reader don't have this autorefresh
feature implemented. Ghostview under windows and gsview under linux have
it. Is this feature planned for macghostview? And I think that anyone
skilled in Acrobat could write a fake autorefresh command that simply
saves the position on the file, closes the file, opens it again and
moves to the saved position. Is it possible to write a script that does this?


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