[Mac OS X TeX] package install problem....

Frank STENGEL fstengel at wanadoo.net.ma
Mon Sep 3 20:57:37 EDT 2001

I seem to have a problem installing packages with teTeX/TeXShop on OSX. 
Basically, I perform what I used to do on my linux box, that is I copy 
the files/directory to the relevant place (~/Library/texmf or /usr/
local/teTeX/share/texmf.local) and run texhash in a terminal. Then I 
try to typeset a document using that package, it miserably fails with a 
file not found error.

The problem subsist, wether I log as root, a user with system admin 
privileges or a plain user; I basically tried with all the user 
accounts on my machine.

Is there something I missed?
Frank STENGEL (fstengel at nordnet.fr)
              (fstengel at wanadoo.net.ma)

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