[Mac OS X TeX] TexShop, vi issues

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 20 16:49:12 EDT 2001

<x-flowed>Hi. I'm working with a user who is an expert vi user. It's the only 
editor that she uses on Mac OS X. She uses TexShop to preview Tex 
documents. The problem is that when she makes changes in vi, TexShop 
doesn't recognize the change, unless she closes the document and 
re-opens it.

Obviously, if you are in the process of creating a document, you 
don't want to have to open it 30 times. It would be nice if TexShop 
checked if the file's been modified since it was last typeset and got 
the latest version of the file if it's been modified when you ask it 
to typeset.

Is there a way to have TexShop notice when the file's been updated in 
vi, so the user doesn't have to keep re-opening it?

Is there any editor for the Mac that a vi user would love?

Another complaint is that TexShop crashes when the Tex document 
contains more than a few errors. Have other people experienced this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

   -- Al

Albert Willis
MIT Information Systems
awillis at mit.edu

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