[OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ?

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Tue Apr 9 02:05:04 EDT 2002

In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in the 
"Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an option 
"Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster les grandes 
pages" in French) which is checked by default.

Unchecking it cures the problem, I think. To some extent: Acrobat Reader 
seems to have its own notion of what page margins should be; anything 
falling within these margins is cropped, i.e. not printed at all.

Alternatively, printing from Preview or TeXShop does not create such 
problems, on my setup (OS X 10.1.3). Assuming the PDF file is one that 
can be displayed properly by Preview or TeXShop, and there are some 
which can't.

Bruno Voisin

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