[OS X TeX] Latex 2.09

Chris Fall fall at cns.nyu.edu
Tue Apr 16 11:56:27 EDT 2002

Thanks to Gary Gray for pointing me to this list. Here is my problem, 
hope someone can help.

I have been using a PC package called PC_Tex. It allowed me to add 2.09 
(or any other distribution lis AMS-TeX) then select what I want with a 
menu, much as TexShop allows Tex or Latex. Now that I am switching over 
to MacOSX I am hoping that I can add 2.09 as one of the choices to 

Is there a way to do this with TexShop?

Note that the 2e compatibility mode does not work due to required style 
files from the publisher. Apparently they rewrote parts of 2.09 to suit 
them and have not managed yet to carry this stuff over to 2e. So it is 
not a fault of the 2.09 emulation, rather it is stuff hardwired between 
their style files and their 2.09 version. In any case I have to use 2.09.

Chris Fall, Ph.D.
New York University
Center for Neural Science
and Courant Institute
fall at cns.nyu.edu

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