[OS X TeX] accents

Juan Falgueras juanfc at lcc.uma.es
Fri Apr 19 08:06:34 EDT 2002

The use of direct Mac Non ASCII characters is certainly a non 
portable solution but..:

	1) Is more efficient (\' is a macro that after expanding is 
converted to \accent19..)
	2) Works with the tabble environment (\'a does not)
	3) It's also better than babel-activation accents for use with 
foreign bibs since some foreigns name have ' that babel interprets as 
active accents.
	4) It's relatively portable if you distribute also the input file 
since although the file have the usual bizarre characters, those 
characters will be correctly interpreted by latex via the input of 
that option_key

I complete some time ago the option_key file (originally from Doug 
Henderson of Blue Sky Research) and called it NoASCCI.sty.

Below it is my file.

Thanks for this list!

% noASCii.sty
% Modified by:
% © Juan Falgueras 1991
% versión 1.1 98/5/9        added ÁÍÓÚ  (¡que no estaban y vemos además:
%% La advantage of noASCII.sty over option_key is the former
%% use \accent19 instead \' with two important improvements:
%% 1) speed; 2) no problems inside tabbing environments
% Original:
% This document is in the Public Domain.
% It was created by Doug Henderson, Blue Sky Research.
% eightbit_macros - 10-18-90
% and modified by Juan Falgueras
% to work properly if we are into the tabbing environment of LaTeX
% Moreover we gain in speed, and it isn't necessary to work with LaTeX, for
% this improvements will work.

% versión 1.1
\catcode`\Ä=\active\defÄ{\"A}        % option u, then  A
\catcode`\Å=\active\defÅ{\AA}         % shift-option A
\catcode`\Ç=\active\defÇ{\c C}        % shift-option C
\catcode`\É=\active\defÉ{{\accent19 E}}        % option e, then  E
\catcode`\Ñ=\active\defÑ{\~N}        % option n, then  N
\catcode`\Ö=\active\defÖ{\"O}        % option u, then  O
\catcode`\Ü=\active\defÜ{\"U}        % option u, then  U
\catcode`\á=\active\defá{{\accent19 a}}        % option e, then  a
\catcode`\à=\active\defà{{\accent18 a}}        % option `, then  a
\catcode`\â=\active\defâ{\^a}        % option i, then  a
\catcode`\ä=\active\defä{\"a}        % option u, then  a
\catcode`\ã=\active\defã{\~a}        % option n, then  a
\catcode`\å=\active\defå{\aa}         % option a
\catcode`\ç=\active\defç{\c c}        % option c
\catcode`\é=\active\defé{{\accent19 e}}        % option e, then  e
\catcode`\è=\active\defè{{\accent18 e}}        % option `, then  e
\catcode`\ê=\active\defê{\^e}        % option i, then  e
\catcode`\ë=\active\defë{\"e}        % option u, then  e
\catcode`\í=\active\defí{{\accent19\i}}       % option e, then  i
\catcode`\ì=\active\defì{{\accent18 \i}}       % option `, then  i
\catcode`\î=\active\defî{\^\i}       % option i, then  i
\catcode`\ï=\active\defï{\"\i}       % option u, then  i
\catcode`\ñ=\active\defñ{\~n}        % option n, then  n
\catcode`\ó=\active\defó{{\accent19 o}}        % option e, then  o
\catcode`\ò=\active\defò{{\accent18 o}}        % option `, then  o
\catcode`\ô=\active\defô{\^o}        % option i, then  o
\catcode`\ö=\active\defö{\"o}        % option u, then  o
\catcode`\õ=\active\defõ{\~o}        % option n, then  o
\catcode`\ú=\active\defú{{\accent19 u}}        % option e, then  u
\catcode`\ù=\active\defù{{\accent18 u}}        % option `, then  u
\catcode`\û=\active\defû{\^u}        % option i, then  u
\catcode`\ü=\active\defü{\"u}        % option u, then  u
\catcode`\Ý=\active\defÝ{\dagger}     % option t  (math mode)
\catcode`\°=\active\def°{\accent'27}  % shift-option 8
\catcode`\£=\active\def£{\pounds}     % option 3 ($ from it) en TeX no LaTeX
\catcode`\§=\active\def§{\S}          % option 6
\catcode`\*=\active\def*{\bullet}     % option 8
\catcode`\¶=\active\def¶{\P}          % option 7
\catcode`\ß=\active\defß{\ss}         % option s
\catcode`\®=\active\def®{\copyright}        % ®
\catcode`\©=\active\def©{\copyright}        % option c
\catcode`\=\active\def{${}^{\rm TM}$}        % option h
\catcode`\´=\active\def´{\'{ }}        % ´
\catcode`\¨=\active\def¨{\"{ }}        % ¨
\catcode`\‚=\active\def‚{\not=}       % option 0 (math mode)
\catcode`\Æ=\active\defÆ{\AE}         % shift-option '
\catcode`\Ø=\active\defØ{\O}          % shift-option O
\catcode`\ƒ=\active\defƒ{\infty}      % option 5 (math mode)
\catcode`\±=\active\def±{\pm}         % shift-option = (math mode)
\catcode`\¾=\active\def¾{\leq}        % option , (math mode)
\catcode`\„=\active\def„{\geq}        % option . (math mode)
\catcode`\¥=\active\def¥{Y\kern-1pt\llap{=}}        % option y
\catcode`\µ=\active\defµ{\mu}         % option m (math mode)
\catcode`\=\active\def{\partial}    % option d (math mode)
{\Sigma}      % option w (math mode)
\catcode`\½=\active\def½{\Pi}         % shift-option P (math mode)
\catcode`\¼=\active\def¼{\pi}         % option p (math mode w/ arg.)
\catcode`\†=\active\def†{\int}        % option b (math mode)
\catcode`\ª=\active\defª{\/\ensuremath{^{\scriptstyle\rm{\b a}}}} 
% option 9  Juan Falgueras 12/3/97
\catcode`\º=\active\defº{\/\ensuremath{^{\scriptstyle\rm{\b o}}}} 
% option 0  Juan Falgueras 12/3/97
\catcode`\‡=\active\def‡{\Omega}      % option z (math mode)
\catcode`\æ=\active\defæ{\ae}         % option '
\catcode`\ø=\active\defø{\o}          % option o
\catcode`\¿=\active\def¿{?`}          % shift-option /
\catcode`\¡=\active\def¡{!`}          % option 1 % added 14/7/91 J. Falgueras
\catcode`\¬=\active\def¬{\neg}        % option l (math mode)
\catcode`\ˆ=\active\defˆ{\sqrt}       % option v (math mode w/ arg.)
\catcode`\Ÿ=\active\defŸ{f}       % 98/05/10 \oint option f (math mode) -> f
\catcode`\‰=\active\def‰{\approx}     % option x (math mode)
\catcode`\=\active\def{\triangle}   % option j (math mode)
\catcode`\«=\active\def«{\ll}         % option \ (math mode)
\catcode`\»=\active\def»{\gg}         % shift-option \ (math mode)
\catcode`\Š=\active\defŠ{\dots}       % option ;
\catcode`\ =\active\def {\ }        %  
\catcode`\À=\active\defÀ{{\accent18 A}}        % option `, then  A
\catcode`\Ã=\active\defÃ{\~A}        % option n, then  A
\catcode`\Õ=\active\defÕ{\~O}        % option n, then  O
\catcode`\‘=\active\def‘{\OE}         % shift-option Q
\catcode`\¦=\active\def¦{\oe}         % option q
\catcode`\-=\active\def-{--}          % option - (en-dash)
\catcode`\-=\active\def-{---}         % shift-option - (em-dash)
\catcode`\"=\active\def"{``}          % option [
\catcode`\"=\active\def"{''}          % shift-option [
\catcode`\'=\active\def'{`}        % option 1, then  '% Añadidos Juan 
Falgueras 20/12/91
\catcode`\'=\active\def'{'}        % option shift i, then  '
\catcode`\÷=\active\def÷{\div}        % option / (math mode)
\catcode`\×=\active\def×{\diamond}    % shift-option V (math mode)
\catcode`\ÿ=\active\defÿ{\"y}        % option u, then  y
\catcode`\=\active\def{\"Y}        % 
\catcode`\Ž=\active\defŽ{/}        % Ž
\catcode`\¤=\active\def¤{\rlap{x}\bullet}        % ¤
\catcode`\Ð=\active\defÐ{<}        % Ð
\catcode`\ð=\active\defð{>}        % ð
\catcode`\Þ=\active\defÞ{fi}        % Þ
\catcode`\þ=\active\defþ{fl}        % þ
\catcode`\ý=\active\defý{\ddag}        % ý
\catcode`\·=\active\def·{\cdot}        % ·
\catcode`\’=\active\def’{\c{ }}        % ’
\catcode`\“=\active\def“{\c{ }\c{ }}        % “
\catcode`\”=\active\def”{\%_{0}}        % ”
\catcode`\Â=\active\defÂ{\^A}        % Â
\catcode`\Ê=\active\defÊ{\^E}        % Ê
\catcode`\Ë=\active\defË{\"E}        % Ë
\catcode`\È=\active\defÈ{\`E}        % È
\catcode`\Î=\active\defÎ{\^I}        % Î
\catcode`\Ï=\active\defÏ{\"I}        % Ï
\catcode`\Ì=\active\defÌ{\`I}        % Ì
\catcode`\Ô=\active\defÔ{\^O}        % Ô
\catcode`\•=\active\def•{\bullet}        % •
\catcode`\Ò=\active\defÒ{\`O}        % Ò
\catcode`\Û=\active\defÛ{\^U}        % Û
\catcode`\Ù=\active\defÙ{\`U}        % Ù
\catcode`\ž=\active\defž{{\i}}        % ž
\catcode`\–=\active\def–{\^{ }}        % –
\catcode`\—=\active\def—{~{ }}        % —
\catcode`\¯=\active\def¯{\={ }}        % ¯
\catcode`\˜=\active\def˜{\v{ }}        % ˜
\catcode`\™=\active\def™{\.{ }}        % ™
\catcode`\š=\active\defš{\.{ }}        % š
\catcode`\¸=\active\def¸{\c{ }}        % ¸
\catcode`\›=\active\def›{\'{ }\'{ }}        % ›
\catcode`\œ=\active\defœ{\c{ }}        % œ
\catcode`\=\active\def{\v{ }}        % 



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