[OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex
Gordon Sick
gordonsick at mac.com
Wed Apr 3 01:17:43 EST 2002
Thanks for the helpful suggestion of using WARMReader. I can see
how we might use this in some settings, particularly those where we need
to preserve a relationship between font size in the graphics and font
size in the text, despite resizing of graphics (e.g. to make slides from
a paper).
However, it doesn't really help my son's situation, because he
wants Illustrator to generate the final document for his Science Fair
trifolds. He doesn't get them back into LaTex, so he can't get the
labels into them that way.
Right now, he is either doing the equations in Textures and pasting
into Illustrator X or having to borrow my machine to do it with TexShop.
His machine doesn't do this properly and he hasn't got time to debug the
configuration of his machine before the Science Fair. In the long run,
though, we'd like a reliable way of doing this conveniently, which most
of the time would be to use Illustrator and TexShop (even if this has to
be set to use Ghostscript).
--cheers, Gordon Sick
William Adams replied to Gordon:
> Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with
> TeXShop / TeTex
> From: "William Adams" <wadams at atlis.com>
> Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:47:54 -0500
> Gordon said:
>> In the past we've used Textures and Illustrator (with eps files as the
>> medium) and had success.
> Textures was especially tweaked so as to provide .eps files which
> Illustrator can handle.
>> We're looking for the OS X native solution.
> What do you need TeX elements in Illustrator for? If it's just minor
> labels &c., then you could try Ross Moore's / Wendy McKay's WarmReader
> plug-in for Illustrator.
> If it's for precision positioning of elements, rasterize the .eps at 576
> dpi, or some other multiple of 72 (so things look perfect at even 100%
> and
> doubled resolutions), place that on a non-printing layer, and note the
> positioning, then place the graphics, export the .eps, and composite the
> two in a layout app (or FreeHand)
> William
> --
> William Adams, publishing specialist
> voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708
> www.atlis.com
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