[OS X TeX] updating to 10.2

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Tue Aug 27 09:53:08 EDT 2002

Some user's experience about migrating to Jaguar (I updated OS X 10.1 
to Jaguar, then updated teTeX using i-Installer and teX-thin.dmg, then 
TeXShop, then all software I have for which upgrades are available):

- Everything TeX-related works, though TeXShop seems to compile slower 
than before and takes ages to syntax-colour a file.

- Here I'm moving to non-TeX-related matters. Actualization of screen 
display (by this I mean scrolling a file in a web-browser or 
text-editor, or a file list in the Finder) seems much, much faster.

- However some things don't work. My identity has misteriously 
disappeared from the session splash screen, I can see other identities 
but not mine (though I'm administrator), I have to use "Other..." all 
the time, I tried everything I could think of, it still does not work.

- After the installation of Jaguar, folders and files which had English 
names in 10.1 have inherited French names in 10.2 (I use the French 
version of OS X). Actually it's not exactly that: for example, the 
Library folder is still named "Library" and Preview.app is still named 
"Preview.app" internally, as shown by Terminal.app, but the Finder 
displays them as "Bibliothèque" and "Aperçu", respectively, which are 
the proper French words. It is all very good, except for one thing: 
this is not true of all users accounts created before installation of 
10.2, where all folder (Library, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc.) are 
still displayed with their English names (instead of Bibliothèque, 
Musique, Images, Séquences, etc. for newly created accounts).

In any case teTeX and TeXShop are very good Jaguar citizens, which is 
not true of several other programs: for example I had to uninstall 
Symantec software, which created conflicts when sessions were opened 
(anyhow I always disliked the initiatives Norton Antivirus and Norton 
Utilities are always taking, like creating huge hidden files on my 
disk, altering the OS behaviour etc.).

Sorry for all this non-TeX stuff, I just thought others people having 
just updated might experience the same "surprises".

Bruno Voisin

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