[OS X TeX] 10.2 troubles?

Joseph Slater joseph.slater at wright.edu
Sat Aug 17 23:19:13 EDT 2002

In summary, paths get all mucked up, and you have to fix them some how. 
My previous email explained how a file called by iTeXMac was moved, and 
I moved it back. I think these things can all be overcome one machine 
at a time by a knowledgeable user, so depending on circumstances you 
can wait for patches to the interfaces, of fix individual machines 
yourself. As I have one, I was able to do the former. Your situation 
may be better or worse depending on your skill level, which likely 
exceeds mine.
On Saturday, August 17, 2002, at 09:58  PM, get86 at mac.com wrote:

> I have been following with great interest the threads on problems and
> potential problems with installing 10.2.
> Most of the users I support use Gerben's distro and either TeXShop, 
> iTeXMac,
> CLI, or Emacs X, (most use TeXShop and Ton Kiffe's extra tools).
> Could someone briefly explain what the hazards are or could be from
> installing Jaguar?
> Thank you very much in Advance,
> Ted Rogers
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Joseph C. Slater
(+1) 937-775-5085

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