[OS X TeX] Howto install .pfb fonts on Mac OS X?

Otto Poellath lists at poellath.org
Thu Aug 8 10:21:08 EDT 2002


I'm sorry if this is actually unrelated to TeX and LaTeX, but since 
there's quite a couple of font experts on this list, I couldn't resist 
to ask..

I received a font in .pfb and .pfm format, and need to get it to work 
with Mac OS X applications like Photoshop, but not TeX or LaTeX.
Since simply dropping them in ~/Library/Fonts didn't make them 
available,  I searched the web and found the t1utils package on Marc 
Liyanage's site (www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/). The manpage for the 
included t1mac states that

t1mac reads a PFA (hexadecimal) or PFB (binary) PostScript Type 1 font 
file and  generates  an  equivalent  Macintosh Type  1 font file


WARNING:  The output of t1mac is not sufficient to use the font, since 
Macintoshes can't read raw Type 1  fonts.  You will  need  to  create  
a  font suitcase containing bitmap fonts if you do not have such  a  
suitcase  for  the  font already.  t1mac cannot help you do this.

So right now I'm stuck, since I have no idea how to create a font 
suitcase. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it.


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From:	Martin Bauer <martin.bauer at informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
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Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Converting JPEGs to PDFs?
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On Dienstag, Juni 12, 2001, at 02:15  Uhr, Gregory P. Starr wrote:

> Images from my digital camera are JPEGs, what do you find is the best 
> way to convert to PDFs for inclusion in (La)TeX documents (I have the 
> TeXShop installation).  Thanks for any help.  The few obvious ways I 
> have tried are unsatisfactory.

try the most obvious one:

% (this is actually in the TeXShop Standard Document Template)
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg}
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .jpg}

% and then:

     \caption{Indoor and outdoor navigation}

% which does in fact include the file
% martin% ls -la figures/demo-screenshot.jpg
% -rw-r--r--  1 martin  admin  180707 Jun  6 15:40 

have fun! :)

shalom, martin

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