[OS X TeX] spellcheck, wasRe: MacOSX-TeX Digest #396 - 08/12/02

Gérard Degrez degrez at vki.ac.be
Tue Aug 13 10:05:31 EDT 2002

>At 3:31 PM +0200 8/13/02, Gérard Degrez wrote:
>>That's what I had intuitively guessed. And the issue will become all
>>the more crucial when Rick Zaccone transforms Excalibur into a
>>service, as he has said he intended to, as then both Excalibur and
>>CocoAspell will be services.
>I don't see what's so crucial. Rick said he plans to drop Word 
>Services in favor of NeXT "Services".

That's not what I understood. Here's what Rick actually wrote:

>I am in the process of making Excalibur a Cocoa application.  I plan
>to drop support for Word Services and make Excalibur a "service".

My understanding is that Excalibur itself would become a NeXT 
"service" (rather than a standalone application). If that's the case, 
then AlphaX/AlphaTk had better support Services if we want to have a 
spell check utility.

Gérard Degrez

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