[OS X TeX] Lucida Font Problems with teTeX and TeXShop...

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Thu Aug 8 04:38:58 EDT 2002

Le mercredi 7 août 2002, à 10:21 , Dave McCollum a écrit :

> [snip]
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage[expert]{lucidabr}
> \usepackage{bm}
> \begin{document}
> $\nabla F = m\, a$ \newline                    % line 1
> $\bm{\nabla F} = m\, \bm{a}$ \newline          % line 2
> $\mathbf{\nabla F = m\, a}$ \newline           % line 3
> $\boldsymbol{\nabla F = m\, a}$ \newline       % line 4
> \boldmath$\nabla F = m\, a$\unboldmath         % line 5
> \end{document}

I've just typeset your document in both TeXShop and Textures. Everything 
works fine in both cases, I experience none of the problems you mention. 
My guess is that your font file LucidNewMatSymDem (for OS 9) and the 
file lbmsd.pfb created from it (for teTeX) are damaged; that, or some 
other file on your Lucida setup.

On other matters, I feel very embarrassed by your public ranting about 
Blue Sky Research in the companion thread [Textures] Textures and Lucida 
Font Problems... I have for several years enjoyed using Textures almost 
every day, and it is my feeling that TeXShop owes much of the elegance 
and simplicity of its interface to a Textures inheritance (as OzTeX 
does). I am no longer using Textures now, as I only fire up Classic with 
extreme reluctance, but I am still looking very much forward to seeing 
OS X Textures being born.

I have experienced myself problems with Textures metrics (especially 
psfonts/adobe and psfonts/bh) and some Textures LaTeX 2e releases, but 
that was between 4 and 8 years back, at about the time LaTeX 2e was just 
born and still fairly unstable, the problems were minor indeed and that 
in no way diminishes the value of the work from people at Blue Sky 
Research. I have been in contact over the years with BSR tech support 
people, including Becky Kaluza, Gabrielle Rice, Warren Leach, Ben 
Salzberg, Celeste Ramsay, Steve Hampson (I'm probably forgetting some), 
and also Barry Smith, and they were always helpful.

I think in any case debates of that sort, with grievance about either 
open software programmers or proprietary software companies, shouldn't 
go public.

Bruno Voisin

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