[OS X TeX] 10.2 and iTeXMac and tetex

Joseph Slater joseph.slater at wright.edu
Sat Aug 17 17:01:23 EDT 2002

Well, I couldn't make this all work as easily as it seemed, so after 
executing the echo commands to get the .login and other files in my 
account ( and things still not working), I simply added the tetex path 
into /usr/share/tcsh/examples/login to that the set path reads
set path = (                                                    \
                 /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin                    \
                 /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin                 \

Then I copied this to the location iTeXMac was looking for it. I had to 
make a few directories, but that's not biggy. I should have made a 
link, but heck, I can always do that later.

iTeXMac is happy as a clam, now. I think.

The more appropriate solution would likely have been to edit iTeXMac to 
point to the right place, but what's the fun of that! Actually, I gave 
this a few minutes and threw in the towel because I knew this would 
work. I think. Now I'm just waiting for someone who knows more than me 
to tell me what a very bad thing I just did. From Gerben's statements, 
there seems to be a reason for not having this login file where it was. 
Is that right? It's also a secret matter of some sort for Apple, or 
Gerben is simply protecting idiots like me from ourselves. ;)

Hmm, maybe if I had started iTeXMac AFTER I echoed into those files it 
would have worked.
On Saturday, August 17, 2002, at 09:28  AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:

> echo "source /usr/share/tcsh/examples/logout" > ~/.logout
Joseph C. Slater
(+1) 937-775-5085
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