[Mac OS X TeX] aliases v symlinks

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Thu Feb 21 12:15:36 EST 2002

Larry Paulson said:
>In TexShop (or rather the underlying tetex) I find that MacOS aliases
are not
>recognized, as in \includegraphics{blah} where blah.pdf is an alias.
One has
>to go to the command line and use the Unix "ln" command.  Any chance of

Given how broken Mac OS aliases are implementation-wise, I doubt it, and
I'd find it hard to care.

When one wishes to make use of a Mac alias in a program, rather than the
system providing the desired file under the name of the alias, instead
the program must ask what the actual name / location of the file is,
receives that, and then acts upon it. Naturally the difficulties this
causes are legion, and aliases aren't much use for anything other than
customizing the launchbar and populating the various Recent
blanket-blank-blank folders.

Far better that Apple should restore the sensible NeXT file management
key modifiers (controL to make a Link, coMmand to Move, option drag to
get a copy). (As opposed to the Mac's <command><option> drag to make an


William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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