[Mac OS X TeX] tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac

jerome LAURENS jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Thu Feb 21 04:08:25 EST 2002

Le jeudi 21 février 2002, à 05:45 AM, Michael Murray a écrit :

>> does itexmac operate in conjunction to TeXShop?
>> i mean, these are 2 frontends to tetex, right? and do they "get along"?

TeXShop and iTeXMac are competely independant. They rely on an 
underlying tetex distribution that need not be the same.

>> [...]

>   They are both
> front ends for the UNIX tex applications that tetex installs.

not only. They are both also editors and they are both pdf viewers.
editing text: No particular problem should occur as long as you do not 
edit the same text file at the same time with both, but this is true for 
(quite?) any text editor.
typesetting: problems when typesetting the same file at the same time, 
except when the output is different.
viewing pdf: the only problem should occur when you typeset a file using 
iTeXMac and view using TeXShop. Synchronization might be out but 
close/open the window should help.

Generally speaking: TeXShop is initially designed to make everything on 
its own. iTeXMac is initially designed either to make everything on its 
own or to use external text editing and external pdf viewing.

At first glance, none of them puts hidden things that could alter system 
and other appl behavior.

It seems that R. Koch somehow merges under TeXShop the tetex frontend, 
the text editor, the pdf viewer AND the tetex distribution. This is why 
people recently asked about texshop while it really concerned tetex. 
This confusion will certainly persist (in particular for newbies of the 
rest of the world) as long as G. Wierda has no dedicated web site of its 
own. But this is not so important as long as [Mac OS X TeX] exists to 
answer all (!) the questions.

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