[Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X

Benji Fisher fisherbb at bc.edu
Tue Feb 19 10:20:57 EST 2002

On Monday, February 18, 2002, at 04:52 PM, Mark Guzdial wrote:

> I'm new to all things Emacs and fink-ish, but I'm trying to learn Emacs 
> for my LaTeX work since Alpha still isn't carbonized.  I miss the 
> wonderful LaTeX menu in Alpha, so I've been trying to find something 
> similar.  (Yes, TeXshop's LaTeX panel is lovely, but I'm missing having 
> a more powerful editor than TeXshop, e.g., turning " into '', handling 
> indentation levels right, etc.)
> - My UNIX-using friends say that XEmacs (I've been playing with 
> carbonized Emacs 21) has that kind of support.  I decide to try fink to 
> get XEmacs.  "fink install xemacs" I say.  After several prompts to 
> make dependency choices that I don't completely grok, I go through a 
> long list of never being able to download xemacs-base-1.56-pkg.tar.gz 
> from a bunch of different mirrors.
> - "Lyx" says another UNIX-using friend.  That's the way to get that 
> kind of support.  So I try "fink install lyx".  After another bunch of 
> dependency selections that I don't grok, I get to trying to download 
> xdvi-22.48.tar.gz from ftp://ftp.math.berkeley.edu/pub/Software/TeX/ 
> ...which never works. I go to the forementioned FTP site and find that 
> versions 49, 50, and 51 are out there, but 48 is now long dead and 
> gone.  How do I convince fink of that?  I tried doing the sudo dselect 
> mantra described at http://fink.sourceforge.net, and while that gave me 
> a bunch of crypto options, it didn't make xdvi any easier to load.
> Is there some magic to fink that I'm not understanding?
> What editors are others of you using in Mac OS X?  Anything you 
> particularly recommend as being as helpful as Alpha?
> Can anyone suggest some nice emacs packages for LaTeX work?  I've found 
> and downloaded auctex and reftex, but don't quite understand the 
> installation instructions yet.
> Thanks!
>  Mark

      Have you tried

% fink selfupdate

yet?  I am not sure if this will help, but it might; it seems that your 
problem (or at least part of it) is that your version of fink is trying 
to download old versions of some packages.

      I think that auctex is the standard LaTeX package for emacs.

      I use Vim (Vi IMproved).  I also maintain binaries for the Carbon 
version of Vim on my iDisk,
You can also get my tex plugin there, which allows you to run tex from 
the editor, and automatically turns " into `` or ''.  Vim has syntax 
coloring for TeX and various options for automatic indenting.  If you do 
not like using different modes (which I do) then you can run Vim in 
Insert mode and do most fancy things from menus.

HTH					--Benji Fisher

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