[Mac OS X TeX] LaTex CJK package

Dan Rempel drempel at islandnet.com
Wed Feb 13 20:40:07 EST 2002

Hi all,

Has anyone looked at or installed Werner Lemberg's CJK package for 
Chinese, Japanese and Korean LaTeXing? It's available at 
http://cjk.ffii.org/ I've never been able to get this thing to find its 
fonts or produce any useful output; probably because I know next to 
nothing about TeX/LaTeX and have always relied on the help of other 
people's packages (for which a big thanks!). Anyway, if anyone know hows 
to get this, or any other package that allows CJK display, going under 
OS X I would love to hear about it.

Thanks in advance, and for all the work that lets me LaTeX under OS X,


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