[Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Thu Feb 21 14:08:03 EST 2002

I have to admit, I'm curious and I would really like to know a few things
(I'm not interested in a flame war of which editor is best I just want to
know why you thing different editors work best with TeX/LaTeX).

I'm a BBEdit user myself, although I've used Emacs, vi and various other text
editors. I'm satisfied using BBEdit for LaTeX editing (but I basically writes
text only, no equations etc) but ...

many of you says Alpha is so good for LaTeX editing but I have to admit that
I don't see what makes Alpha so much better than BBEdit.

The same goes for Peppar etc.

So, could someone explain to me what I "missing" when I use BBEdit? (perhaps
there is something I didn't know I needed 8-)

Jan Erik Moström   jem at mostrom.pp.se    www.mostrom.pp.se

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