[Mac OS X TeX] latex2rtf on mac os x

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Mon Feb 25 09:58:57 EST 2002

christoph said:
>I need a good! tool which lets  me convert my .tex or my .pdf in .rtf
>.doc. Anybody who could recommend me a good tool!

.tex seems to've been adequately covered, but the .pdf -> .rtf
conversion hasn't been touched upon beyond Adobe Acrobat 5, the full
version. I beta-tested a nifty utility for this, Marcel Weiher's
TextLightning service for Mac OS X---www.metaobject.com, and can
recommend it highly. It improves upon Acrobat 5 by getting paragraphs
and more formatting. (simple) Mathematics sort of come through insofaras
.rtf allows, if one has the fonts needed at the destination.

William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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