[Mac OS X TeX] pdf presentations

Michel Durinx durinx at rulsfb.leidenuniv.nl
Tue Feb 5 11:24:48 EST 2002


so when you have made a pdf presentation with seminar and/or prosper,
and how do you then present the pages?

1a. in Acrobat (5, under OS X)?
  ------- the Prosper page transitions do not work, they're all the same
  ------- the text and certainly the maths look really bad
1b. in Acrobat (4, under OS 9)?
  ------- the text and certainly the maths look really bad
1c. in Preview?
  ------- links cannot be clicked
  ------- not fullpage, so on top it says PREVIEW file edit display 
window help
	  and other distracting things

To prove the 'bad looking' point:  open the 'Sibelius' music editor 
guide in both AcrobatReader5 and Preview at nearly the same scale (in a 
32kb piece of screenshot I can show both), Acrobat slightly larger even, 
and Acrobat looks terrible...

so question 2:
2. why does Preview look so much better and will Acrobat make up the 
distance at some point in the near future?

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