[Mac OS X TeX] I need a http-server for my (TeX) distributions

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Tue Feb 26 14:18:51 EST 2002

Hello TeX-on-Mac OS X world and Mac OS X Admin world,

Currently, I provide a TeX distribution (easy install) on an ftp-server 
in The Netherlands. I am changing to a new mode of distribution and 
because I use a tool developed in Cocoa and since the Cocoa class NSURL 
does not support ftp:// yet, I need a http-server. Given that the new 
mode of distribution will automate part of the upgrade process (and 
split the installation in different chunks so that I can make 
distributions and upgrades (much asked for) and given that the system 
will have to know where to look for the upgrades, I need a location that 
is stable. I also must be able to upload stuff to the location using 
rsync (either to an rsyncd or sshd).

Who is willing to provide this for me?

(And if Apple reads this: an upgrade of the system such that NSURL 
understands ftp would be a perfect solution).


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