[Mac OS X TeX] Re: emacs 21.1

Enrico Franconi franconi at cs.man.ac.uk
Fri Feb 22 18:36:25 EST 2002

On February 22, Piet van Oostrum writes:
> MG> What drove me to give up on emacs 21.1 and move to Xemacs is the
> MG> still extant bug in Aqua Emacs that shell commands (like
> MG> executing latex) don't work because the PATH variable isn't set
> MG> correctly.  I'm sure it'll get fixed eventually.
> That's the easiests problem to solve. See my previous posting on the
> .MacOSX/environment.plist 

It's even easier than that: just put (shell-command "tcsh")
at the beginning of your .emacs file.

> One thing that bothers me but doesn't stop me from using emacs is
> that is hangs quite often. E.g. when I open a new .tex file with
> auctex, it prompts for a master file, and then it hangs.

You probably have a wrong configuration, since it does not happen with

I have just finished a nice Applescript wrap around emacs 21 on Aqua
which allows for drag-and-drop of files to open them, automatic
loading of all the useful utilities for LaTeX and various stuff. I
plan to have an installer with all the auctex/latex files and the
wrapper file soon. I'm travelling this week so be patient.

-- e.

Enrico Franconi                     - franconi at cs.man.ac.uk
University of Manchester            - http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~franconi/
Department of Computer Science      - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170
Manchester M13 9PL, UK              - Fax:   +44 (161) 275 6204

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