[Mac OS X TeX] Seminar+pdf

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Tue Feb 5 11:09:27 EST 2002

> For an electronic presentation, I wouldn't recommend mixing portrait 
> and landscape slides. But using (dvi)tex/dvips/ghostscript or distiller 
> should work (I think).
> (dvi)tex/dvips definitely produces correct PostScript.

Even without mixing portrait and landscape formats, TeXShop seems unable 
to create landscape documents. I don't understand why. I tried to cure 
this by setting the Composer to TeX + GhostScript, and ask TeXShop 
(through the Preferences window) to save the intermediate PS file, then 
open the PS file with MacGSView, but alas nothing is changed: the PS 
file is still a landscape document cropped to portrait (so half the 
slide is actually missing).

As I absolutely needed to create a PDF landscape slide, I finally had to 
fire up Mac OS 9.2.1 then use OzTeX or Textures. By the way, the problem 
has nothing to see with the seminar package, I was faced with it using:


(OzTeX handles landscape documents perfectly well, but I had problems 
printing my beloved Lucida fonts with Carbon OzTeX 5.0b7, that's why I 
had to switch back to the OS 9 version.)

Bruno Voisin

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