[Mac OS X TeX] Another item for the wish list: windows connection

Martin Stokhof stokhof at hum.uva.nl
Wed Feb 13 07:37:03 EST 2002

Something I would like to see implemented in TeXShop is the ability 
to minimize (and maximize) connected sets of windows.

At present you can minimize windows one by one, or all of them (by 
option clicking). What would be really nice is the ability to 
minimize one source window and its related windows (typeset, log) in 
one click.

There is room for that: command-option click does the same as 
option-click, and command-click functions as click. Of course I have 
no idea whteher it would be difficult to implement it, but I think it 
would be a welcome additional feature of an already great application.

By the way, does anybody know why option-click minimizes all windows 
but maximes only one at a time?

Martin Stokhof

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