[Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X

Rick Zaccone zaccone at bucknell.edu
Thu Feb 21 17:16:03 EST 2002

>As it stands right now, I have XFree86, Oroborus, and XEmacs running 
>on my machine.  It took a bit of hunting to figure out how to install 
>AucTeX.  It installed fine from the xemacs "sumo" package, but I 
>didn't realize that you have to do a bit more to turn it on.  Right 
>now, I'm STUNNED with how much XEmacs does for you with AucTeX and 
>RefTex!  It's lots of fun to play with.

I use Gnu emacs, but I agree.  It's worth the effort.  Emacs outline
mode can be handy too. It will allow you to collapse portions of the
document.  I don't use it as much since I installed RefTeX, but it's
still useful.


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