[Mac OS X TeX] huge digests full of dreck

Johann Beda j-beda at pobox.com
Sat Feb 9 08:43:19 EST 2002

On 2002/02/09, at 1:49 PM +0100, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>Anyway, if I'm amongst the offenders, please let me know because in that
>case Mail.app is definitely doing things I do not want.

	I don't recall you specifically, but I am starting to suspect that
the problem might lie with the way Mail.app formats replies.  Perhaps if
the first message is in MIME/HTML/etc. Mail.app makes the reply the same
format?  Thus a single "bad format" post results in a whole stream of them.

	Mail.app does have some "composing" preferences that might be
useful - "Rich Text" vs "Plain Text" and a checkbox for replying to "Use
the same format as original message".

* johann beda   <XNSName: =j-beda> <http://pobox.com/~j-beda/>   *

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