[Mac OS X TeX] cocoAspell

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Sun Feb 10 19:47:54 EST 2002

>At 11:15 -0500 on 10/02/02, Gary L. Gray wrote:
>>It is doing the same thing to me. For example, it doesn't know:
>>\emph or \textbf
>>amongst many others.
>Works for me.
>I followed the instructions. The first time, after the required 
>logout-login, TexShop complained that it could not locate the spell 
>checker. After a restart, however, everything worked fine. I checked 
>the examples mentioned, but they are ignored as they should. Strange.
>Martin Stokhof

Hhm thats strange. So at the moment we have some people who get told

\emph and \textbf

are mispelt and some who get them ignored. Is that right ?

I find that the following misspelt




but the following are OK




I agree with Bill McCallum - it seems to be just deleting the
\ and looking for the word in the dictionary. Does anyone know
if thats right?

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au             
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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