[Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Fri Feb 22 08:11:44 EST 2002

At 2002-02-22 12:55, Gianguido Dall'Agata <dallagat at physik.hu-berlin.de>

>Is the following implemented in BBEdit?
>[] ctrl-Tab completion of \ref or \cite with the appropriate label .

Not that I know of ... but how can the editor know which label is the correct
one? Or do you get a list of all labels or does the editor keeps track of the
labels and does it best to find a match and let you choose when it can't find
a unique match (like command completion in tcsh for example).

Does it keep track of labels in multi-file documents?

Jan Erik Moström   jem at mostrom.pp.se    www.mostrom.pp.se

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