[Mac OS X TeX] OT: Problems with AcroRead

Fredrik Wallenberg fwallenberg at mac.com
Tue Feb 12 18:18:10 EST 2002

This is not a Tex issue, but I was hoping that maybe someone on this 
list could point me in the right direction. I recently started getting a 
VERY strange problem on both my computers. Now, I can no longer open a 
PDF file in Acroread by double-clicking on it IFF Acroread (5.0.5) is 
already open. I can still drag it onto the icon in the dock and it will 
open fine.

I have found that it is an issue for files of type "PDF Document" but 
not for a "Adobe PDF Document".

The only PDF related even that has happened to me recently is the 
installation of the latest versions of TeteX, TexShop and iTexMac, but 
I'm not sure why that would make any difference.

Thanks for any help you might be able to come up with,


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