[Mac OS X TeX] Fink, system-tetex, and latex2html

david craig dac at panix.com
Sun Feb 17 20:23:53 EST 2002

> I haven't seen anyone report that they have it working.

I still haven't, anyway.  The problem resolved was getting fink's
self-update not to complain about the presence of latex2html when
updating system-tetex (necessary for using programs like latex2html when
the version of tetex installed is Gerben's own, not fink's version of
same.)  latex2html still gives me the same error, and fink's install of
it is configured differently enough from the docs that I'm still a bit
lost as to what to try next.  I have asked some of those who might know,
and am waiting for a response.  I'll summarize when/if this is ever
straightened out ... or Gerben beats me to it and adds latex2html to
tetex {:-)]

David Craig


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