[Mac OS X TeX] BibDesk beta testers wanted

Michael McCracken michael_mccracken at mac.com
Thu Feb 21 02:48:34 EST 2002

If you are interested in trying out BibDesk, the Bib-Manager I mentioned 
a couple of weeks ago, I've posted it to 

If you do try it out, please send me an email. And of course, feel free 
to offer suggestions and report bugs - it's all in the readme.

The everpresent disclaimer: this is beta software, and I mean it - so 
don't use it on crucial data unless you've got backups! Don't experiment 
right before a paper deadline! There are some cases where you might lose 
data that I mention in the readme, but the program warns you about it.

One last note: I know that it doesn't do everything - I intended it as a 
complement to other tools, at least initially.


Michael McCracken
michael_mccracken at mac.com

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