[Mac OS X TeX] cocoAspell

Michael Murray mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Sun Feb 10 02:05:14 EST 2002

>I don't seem to understand how to use cocoAspell.  I followed the
>installation instructions, and I checked the "TeX" filter in the
>preference panel.  I logged out, logged in again, etc.  In the
>"spelling" dialog I have a choice of "English (Apple)" or "English
>(Aspell)", and I choose "English (Aspell)".
>But when I edit a document in TeXShop, it still flags TeX commands
>as misspellings.  What else should I be doing to get it to ignore
>those?  "top" shows that cocoAspell is running, and the TeX filter
>(and no others) is definitely checked in the preference panel.
>Karl Rubin

Mine seems to be OK. Whats an example of a tex command it doesn't like?
I'll check it on mine.


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