[Mac OS X TeX] Need some help configuring tex

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Sat Feb 16 08:45:14 EST 2002

I get confused every time I try to add a few custom files and this is the
first time I try to do it using something other than OzTeX.

I want to be able to use pdflatex and have installed the latest
"TeXLive-teTeX" version.

I now want to have the styles etc I add in a folder called "Library/TeX".

My questions are:

+   How should the files be organized inside my local folder

+   And how do I get latex/pdflatex/bibtex etc to find these files.
    I have currently set
    HOMETEXMF = $HOME/Library/TeX
    in the 'texmf.cnf' file
    I also have set BSTINPUTS ~/Library/TeX/bst

Bibtex seems to work fine but not latex or pdflatex. So I'm missing something
but what?

Jan Erik Moström   jem at mostrom.pp.se    www.mostrom.pp.se

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