[Mac OS X TeX] Alpha-ish on MacOS X
Vince Darley
vince.darley at eurobios.com
Thu Feb 21 04:32:18 EST 2002
>Subject: Re: Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
>From: "Eric Hsu" <erichsu at math.sfsu.edu>
>Things I miss from Alpha:
>1. The ability to tab out of parentheses to the big-dots.
>2. More pre-built LaTeX templates... I forget options and names.
>3. (When it worked,) the nice reformatting and tabbing of code.
>Let me know if you find something even better! (I'm not learning
>Emacs... sorry.)
You could try 'Alphatk' (http://www.santafe.edu/~vince/Alphatk.html), which
is a reimplementation of Alpha on top of Tcl/Tk. I'm told it kind-of works
with the latest 'aqua-tk' release (it works fine on top of X-windows on
Unix which you could run on top of OS X, or on a Windoze box).
It shares all of the LaTeX mode functionality with Alpha.
caveat: I wrote it and use it daily, but mostly on Windoze.
Alternatively as Jon points out, wait for Alpha X, which will come...
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