[Mac OS X TeX] landscape mode

Paolo Ghirardato paolo at hss.caltech.edu
Wed Feb 20 09:51:06 EST 2002

I am sorry to be wasting your disk space with something that has -- I 
believe -- been discussed before, but as usual I realized a problem 
only when I faced it.

The question is this: I have a slide document that starts


However, when I typeset it with TeXShop (and iTeXMac, for that 
matter), the final output is vertical, with the obvious cropping of 
long equations, etc.
I tried changing the page setup (within the program) and typesetting 
again, but unsurprisingly that changed nothing. I tried looking at 
the pdf file with Acrobat, again to find vertical slides.

Can anyone remind me how to fix this?

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