[Mac OS X TeX] How many TeX's for OSX are there now ?

Holger Frauenrath mail at frauenrath.com
Sat Feb 9 19:02:18 EST 2002

On Saturday, February 9, 2002, at 05:04  AM, Michael Murray wrote:

> Every day seems to bring a new version of TeX for OS X so I was
> wondering how many there are:

Thanks a lot! A very useful compilation. It is definitely nice that we 
have got the choice between so many *different* tools, because everybody 
has got a different approach to working with TeX/LaTeX and different 

But while we are at it, I actually wonder what the deal with 
TeXShop/iTeXMac is. What I mean is, their approach is actually pretty 
similar. And people have pointed out that iTeXMac was considered the 
TeXShop 2.0 beta. Now, I cannot (and do not want to) judge whether there 
are software related or maybe personal problems which are in the way of 
merging those two again.

 From the viewpoint of a (occasional) TeX user who has played with both of 
them a little bit, I want to state the following: when I switched to MacOS 
X, and first used TeXShop, I got really excited. For me this was really 
what all that hype of the new operating system was about. Finally, there 
were new tools, which were simple, and beautiful and a pleasure to use. 
And if it had been iMacTeX, I think I would have thought the same. They 
both have some features I like (and still have both some problems that 
need to be ironed out). To cut a long story short: I would actually like 
to see a "Super-TeX-Tool" (for me, at least) which combines the somewhat 
complementary features of both of them!


Dr. Holger Frauenrath
Department of Materials and Life Sciences
2225 North Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, 60208

Phone: (847) 491-5950
Fax: (847) 491-3010
Email: mail at frauenrath.com
Web: www.frauenrath.com

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