[Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X

J.Huelsmann J.Huelsmann at tu-bs.de
Tue Feb 19 12:41:37 EST 2002

Hi Peter.
>I keep thinking there must be a way of telling Alpha to emit some Apple Events
>which could (via shell commands, say) run command-line TeX, so I 
>could use some-
>thing other than OzTeX, if I wanted to... but I don't have the time 
>to learn Tcl in
>addition to Applescript and Bourne shell.

You can use the perl-script atChange to do all the latex-stuff when 
the file is saved with Alpha. In Terminal.app you can type something 
like this:
atchange myfile.tex pdftex myfile.tex
and the file myfile.tex will typeset if you save it.
Look at http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/atchange.html for atChange.

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