[Mac OS X TeX] [ANN] iTeXMac 1.0

Jerome Laurens Jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Wed Feb 6 09:42:05 EST 2002

I finally made my mind and just released today another GPL teTeX front

it is available at
and needs a separate teTeX distribution

A few words about iTeXMac:
I think it can do anything TeXShop did, plus project management,
AppleScript, and edit macros shortcuts and more,
roughly speaking iTeXMac = TeXShop Pro. But make your mind by yourself.

- I have stolen the TeXShop latex panel due to lenglin (despite he did
not answer to my ask of permieeion), but i have made significant
corrections to make it really more useable.
- I have not intensively tested AppleScript
- This is actually more a golden version.
- bugs should be reported to me, with [iTeXMac] in the title.
- it was previously a TeXShop-beta proposal but the actual TeXShop
developing team unique member
never seemed to be interested in.
- My apologies to the TeXShop-beta-testers who might have to change
things... and thanks to them all.

About the name iTeXMac
After LaTeX and TeXShop, I hesitated between TeX Machine and TeX Bomb...

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