[Mac OS X TeX] How many TeX's for OSX are there now ?

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Mon Feb 11 04:53:13 EST 2002

Thanks, this is very useful!

Just one small remark that may help to get an even more complete picture.

Michael Murray wrote:
> (b) teTeX from Fink.  Not sure why you would do this instead of
> Gerben's teTeX. Particularly
> as most (all ?) of the applications below which rely on you having a
> teTeX are assuming it is
> Gerben's.   But its there.   

There are a couple of good reasons to do this:

- Ease of installation: If you have Fink installed, you just say
  "fink install tetex-macosx" or "fink install bundle-tetex", 
  and it takes care of all the rest. 
  No need to know the latest URL of Gerben's packages.
  And you can watch what it is doing while it compiles the binaries.
- Stability: If there are any conflicts with the rest of the Fink
  you can be pretty sure the maintainer of the Fink tetex packages will
  resolve them quickly.

BTW, you don't install Fink's tetex instead of Gerben's. Fink tetex *is*
Gerben's teTeX, just not the very latest version. It gets its sources
>from the CTAN tetex directory and applies Gerben's patches. And it has a
standard texmf tree layout, just not rooted at /usr/local, but at /sw.
This shouldn't be a problem for the GUI applications. It isn't for
iTeXMac, in any case, which works quite well here with Fink tetex.


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