[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop gets prominent notice

John Vokey vokey at uleth.ca
Wed Feb 13 17:06:55 EST 2002

   In Apple's most recent "Mac OS X News" of 13-02-02, the 
following appeared (it is in html, so adjust your mail reader 

In other news of interest to the technical community, 
WaveMetrics released a Carbon version of IGOR Pro (an 
extensible, graphing, data analysis, and programming tool); 
QuantumSoft released pro Fit 5.6 for Mac OS X (for data/function 
analysis, plotting, and curve fitting); and Richard Koch and his 
colleagues released TeXShop 1.15, a TeX previewer which is 
written in Cocoa and takes advantage of PDF being a native file 
format on Mac OS X. (TeX, which produces publication-quality 
documents containing text and mathematics, has an illustrious 
history and a passionate following, a hint of each of which is 
nicely captured in the “What is TeX? What is Metafont? A bit of 
history” page linked to from the TeX Users Group Home Page.)

Way to go, Richard!
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.

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