[Mac OS X TeX] pdf presentations

Gérard Degrez degrez at vki.ac.be
Tue Feb 5 12:00:53 EST 2002

>Speaking of presentations: I'm still looking for a way to ...
>- use prosper with pdftex (because it's easy to include movies in 
>pdftex), i.e. pstricks with pdftex
>- include quicktime movies in presentations created by LaTeX/prosper 
>(not pdfTeX)

Why not pdftex? It's so easy (once you know):
\put(0,79){\pdfannot width 320pt height 79pt depth 79 pt
{/Subtype /Movie%
/Title (Vorticity)%
/Movie << /F (re3900-persp-2.avi) /Poster true >>%
/A << /Mode /Repeat >>}

"/Poster true" and "/Mode /Repeat" are optional. The dimensions 
depend on the specific movie.

Gérard Degrez

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